Sgr records coldest night of season at minus 1.8 degree Celsius


Srinagar, Nov 22 : The minimum temperatures have plummtted further in Kashmir while Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir recorded coldest night of the season at minus 1.8 degree Celsius.

As per the details available with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the night temperature has recorded further dip in Kashmir while the weatherman here has predicted dry weather conditions for the next 24 hours.

In Qazigund, the mercury settled at minus 1.0 degree Celsius while in
Gulmarg, a minimum temperature of 0.6 degree Celsius was recorded.

Pahalgam, a famous tourist place recorded a low of minus 3.3 degree Celsius while Kupwara in north Kashmir recorded a minimum temperature of minus 1.4 degree Celsiu.

The sub zero temperature is being witnessed amid the foggy weather conditions, whoch according to meteorological department will continue till November 27—(KNO)


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