Cop among two held along drugs in Baramulla


Baramulla, Sep 29 ; A police cop among two drug peddlers were arrested in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district on Friday evening officials said.

An official said that a police party of Police Station Boniyar headed by SHO PS Boniyar under the supervision of SDPO Uri at a checkpoint established at Boniyar Baramulla intercepted two persons identified as Sajad Hussain Qureshi (Policeman) son of Nazir Ahmad Qureshi resident of Bandi Uri & Nadeem Ahmad Awan son of Mohd Hussain resident of Gingal Uri.

The officer said that during search, 48 grams of contraband substance Herion was recovered from their possession.

Accordingly, case under relevant sections of law stands registered at Police Station Boniyar and investigation has been initiated.

We urge the common masses that if you witness drug peddling or any other crime anywhere near you, feel free to contact nearest police establishment or dial 112 the officer further added.


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