Corruption Case: ACB registers 111 FIRs so far in 2022



SRINAGAR, Sep 11: Acting tough against the corruption in the Union Territory, Jammu & Kashmir’s premier anti-graft body, Anti-corruption Bureau (ACB) has registered over 100 cases so far in 2022 against the government officials for accepting bribe, their involvement in embezzlement of funds, Disproportionate assets and other cases.

Details available reveal a total of 111 FIRs have been registered by ACB so far in this year across Jammu and Kashmir.

Of 111, the highest number of cases has been registered at Police Station ACB Srinagar, details reveal, adding that 37 cases including demanding and accepting bribe, Disproportionate assets, misuse of official position, Embezzlement of funds and others have been filed at the police station in between January 2022-September 2022.

Simultaneously, 16 corruption cases have been registered at Police Station ACB Anantnag while 27 have been registered at Police Station ACB Baramulla so far in 2022.

According to the details, with only one case, Police Station ACB Rajouri has recorded the lowest number of corruption cases followed by Police Station ACB Udhampur where only three such cases have been registered so far.

The details reveal that 7 cases each have been reported at Police Station Central and Police Station ACB Doda.

At Police Station ACB Jammu, the sleuths of Jammu & Kashmir’s premier anti-graft body have registered 13 cases so far this year.

16 top Revenue department officials including Tehsildars, Naib Tehsildars and Patwaris have fallen into ACB net so far in 2022 while most of them have been trapped while accepting bribes at different parts of Jammu and Kashmir.


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