DGPs People’s Grievance Redressal Programme restarts from 8th June in Pulwama



JAMMU, June 07: The widely popular People’s Grievance Redressal Programme/interaction initiative of the Director General of Police, J&K, R.R Swain will recommence and it is to notify that the new programme will be held tomorrow on 8th June 2024 (Saturday) 1200 hrs at District Police Lines Pulwama.

Citizens who have grievances pertaining to police investigation, enquiries, delay in verifications, delay/refusal in registering FIR/ faulty investigation etc shall be given first preference, statment issue to KNS said.

Second preference will be to the families of the martyrs and third preference will be given to families and kin of other police personnel. Fourth preference will be to the serving Police personnel/SPOs to listen to their service issues, it added.

The programme will be strictly for the citizens of Pulwama district only. Recruitment related applications or requests will not be entertained at all.

To participate in the programme, individuals with grievances related to police services should visit the District Police Line (DPL) Pulwama to register at the help desk established for the purpose.

People who wish to bring their grievances to the attention of DGP J&K should submit a written application containing complete details including that of a working mobile number, it also reads.


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