Sagar Pandit to Join AIR Srinagar Cultural Program in Machil



SRINAGAR, June 5: All India Radio Srinagar is set to make its inaugural visit to the Machil and Budnambal areas of Kupwara district from June 8 to June 11, 2024. Led by renowned broadcaster Maqsood Ahmad, the producer of popular programs “Shaherben” and the Pahari program, the tour aims to engage with the local community and address their grievances.

The team will arrive in Machil on the evening of June 8, kicking off the visit with a Pahari musical program at Ring Payeen village. On June 9, a cultural program organized by the local army unit will take place at Machil Ground, featuring nationally acclaimed poet and author Sagar Pandit.

“The primary objective of this tour is to listen to the public’s concerns and bring them to the forefront,” said Maqsood Ahmad. “We also want to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the region, particularly Pahari folk music and poetry.”

Paramjeet Singh, the tour coordinator, highlighted the importance of community engagement. “We encourage locals to reach out and share their issues. This platform is for them,” he said. Locals can contact Paramjeet Singh at 9906232582 for more details or to participate.

During the visit, the team will record public grievances and organize cultural programs showcasing Pahari folk music and poetry. These recordings will later be broadcast on All India Radio Srinagar, ensuring that the voices of people in these remote areas are heard.

“It’s crucial to bring attention to the unique challenges faced by residents in these far-flung areas,” Maqsood Ahmad added. “Our previous programs in the border regions of Jammu and Kashmir have been highly successful, and we hope to replicate that success in Machil and Budnambal. (KNS)


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