The wait is over


PM Modi to embark on his maiden Kashmir visit after abrogation of Article 370

Will address a mega rally at Bakshi Stadium in Srinagar: Sources

Suhail Khan

SRINAGAR, Mar 1: After witnessing massive developmental changes in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir following the abrogation of Article 370, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to address his maiden rally in the summer capital city of Srinagar in the first week of this month.

Reliable sources have informed Kashmir Despatch that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a massive rally at Bakshi Stadium.

He said people, who have been eagerly waiting for four years to catch a glimpse of the change maker Narendra Modi, finally will be able to see him in Kashmir in the first week of March.

Sources stated that the Prime Minister will be launching various schemes and engaging with beneficiaries of welfare programs.

Sources said that the public rally in Kashmir holds great importance as it will signify the initiation of the election campaign for the Bharatiya Janata Party for the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections in the Kashmir valley.

The sources further added that all the arrangements for the smooth and peaceful conduct of the rally have been finalized.

A police officer told Kashmir Despatch said, security measures have been intensified in the summer capital, particularly around Bakshi Stadium, in anticipation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit.

The officer mentioned that surveillance has been increased in other areas of Srinagar as well, with additional checkpoints set up for frisking to closely monitor the movement of people.

This will be the maiden visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the Kashmir valley, marking his second visit to the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir in less than a month.

During his previous visit to Jammu last week, the Prime Minister unveiled development projects worth over Rs 32,000 crore.

Meanwhile, there is a great deal of excitement among the people of Kashmir regarding the upcoming visit of the Prime Minister. They have high expectations and are eagerly anticipating some major announcements, in addition to the ongoing developmental projects.

There is also a buzz among the youth about potential employment opportunities that might be announced during the visit.

Farooq Rather, a PhD holder, termed the upcoming visit of the Prime Minister as a beacon of hope for the youth. He stated that after witnessing massive developmental projects in Kashmir over the past four years, the youth are now expecting something substantial to transform their future.

Farooq further added that Prime Minister Modi has already demonstrated his commitment through the ongoing development projects and, more importantly, by fostering a peaceful environment in Kashmir.

Maheeda, an entrepreneur, told Kashmir Despatch that it’s really great news that our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, will address the people of Kashmir in Kashmir only. She said that in the past five years, entrepreneurship has been reaching new heights with the support and help from various departments, and all the credit goes to our Prime Minister. He has made things so smooth for us, the female flock, not only allowing us to depend on ourselves but also enabling us to become job providers.

She said that this visit will be so fruitful as we are expecting more development and changes in Kashmir, so that no one will be left behind in the process of change.

What has changed in Kashmir Post Abrogation of Article 370 ?

In the last four years, Kashmir has experienced significant positive changes. There has been completely shutdown in strike calls by separatist groups, leading to increased stability in the region. Law and order incidents have resulted in no reported civilian casualties, indicating improved security measures. Infrastructure development has been a priority, with the construction of railways, highways, bridges, and tunnels. The tourism industry has revived, attracting domestic and international tourists. Cinema halls have reopened, bringing entertainment and economic opportunities. The empowerment of women has surged, leading to increased participation and achievements in various sectors.

The Modi-led government, under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has undertaken a series of unparalled projects and initiatives that have transformed Jammu and Kashmir into a beacon of progress and development. From infrastructure development to social welfare programs, every sector has witnessed substantial growth, ensuring a brighter future for the people in the Union Territory.

Suhail Khan
Suhail Khan

Suhail Khan is a filmmaker, content writer, and freelance journalist.


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