ACB arrests revenue official in bribery case in Rajouri


Srinagar, Oct 11 : Anti Corruption Bureau arrested a revenue official in Rajouri for demanding Rs 20,000 bribe from a man for issuing BPL ration card in his favour.

In a statement, ACB said that it received a complaint alleging that the complainant approached Dil Mohd, Ration Dealer R/o Nambla for BPL ID of his brother to get separate Ration Card from his father.

The statement reads that the Ration Dealer along with the complainant approached Tehsil Supply Officer (TSO), Rajouri and submitted the relevant documents for doing the needful. “However, TSO Rajouri Mohd Reyaz delayed the issuance of BPL ID and demanded ₹20,000 as bribe for issuance of the same from the complainant.”

It reads that the Complainant lodged a written complaint in Police Station ACB Rajouri for taking legal action against TSO Rajouri.

“As the contents of complaint prima facie disclose the commission of offence punishable U/S 7 of the PC Act 1988 by accused public servant TSO. Accordingly a Case FIR No. 05/2023 was registered at Police Station Anti Corruption Bureau Rajouri U/s 7 of the PC Act 1988 and the investigation was initiated.”

It added that during the course of investigation a trap team was constituted and it caught the accused Tehsil Supply Officer red-handed while demanding and accepting the bribe of Rs 18,000 from the complainant.

“He was arrested on the spot after completing all legal formalities. Subsequently, search in the residential house of accused was also conducted. Further investigation into the case is going on,” it reads.


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