Srinagar, Mar 19 : Jammu and Kashmir police on Tuesday said that it has put in place all security arrangements for both the candidates and as well as the voters in six assembly segments of Baramulla police district ahead of the ensuing Lok Sabha elections in Baramulla-Kupwara-Bandipora Lok Sabha constituency.
SSP Baramulla Abdul Qayoom said, “for total number of 575n polling booths in six assembly segments of Baramulla police district police has already identified rally grounds in all the six assembly constituencies of the district and security under CAPF to be provided to the candidates has been also finalised, adding that, “all polling booths for total number of 5.50 lakh voters in all the six assembly segments are ready as per the ECI norms.”
Saying that in case of cross LoC shelling or firing in any of the 35 election booths in Uri the shelling hit polling booths will be shifted to safer places already identified by the department, SSP said, “It has been decided that three tier security arrangements will be provided for the polling booths keeping in view the fact that in two polling booths of Gulmarg constituency over 70% polling was recorded in last elections.”
He said “all zonal and sectoral officers have been allocated work and are working under the guidelines already issued by the Election Commission of India.” (KNS)