BIG FEAT for J&K: 20,126 Pashmina Shawls, 9,700 carpets issued GI tags so far


Govt targets to double exports of handicrafts in coming five years

Mubashir Aalam Wani

Srinagar, Nov 11 : Jammu and Kashmir administration has achieved a milestone by issuing Geographic Indication labels to over 20,000 Pashmina shawls and 9000 carpets so far.

Kashmir’s Pashmina shawls and carpet got GI tags in the years 2021 and 2022, respectively, to fight counter-branding.

As per the data accessed by news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), till October, a total of 20,126 Pashmina Shawls have been issued GI labels.

During the same period as many as 9,700 carpets have been also GI Tag labelled.

GI tagging is a recognition granted to products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities, reputation, or characteristics that are essentially attributable to that place of origin. This recognition not only adds value to the products but also protects the traditional methods of production and ensures that consumers are getting authentic, high-quality items.

The granting of GI tag has enhanced the exports of the handicrafts, particularly Pashmina shawls and carpets.

Data suggested that in the last four years handicrafts worth Rs 4,740 crore have been exported to various countries.

Official data revealed that handicrafts worth Rs. 1116.37 crore were exported in FY 2022-23 against Rs. 563.13 Crore in FY 2021-22.

This year in the first quarter, handicrafts worth Rs 208.21 crore were exported from Jammu and Kashmir to the rest of the world.

Official documents accessed by the Kashmir News Observer further revealed that an export strategy is being prepared by the government to double exports in the coming five years.

“Export Strategy for Pashmina, Carpets, Paper Machie, Walnut and Sozni being prepared with an aim to double exports in 5 years. MoU Signed with NIFT for contemporary design and Packaging,” it said.

The official document said GI tagging has provided greater recognition and protection to the handicrafts of Jammu and Kashmir subsequently boosting the local economy.

“Jammu and Kashmir has become the first UT/State in India to issue QR-based labels for all its crafts. This move is expected to provide greater recognition and protection to these crafts and also help in boosting the local economy,” it said.

The document said that 12 more crafts are in the pipeline for GI tagging, including seven from Kashmir and five from Jammu.

“Jammu and Kashmir has a rich tradition of handicrafts, and the government has been taking various steps to promote and protect these crafts. As part of this effort, 10 crafts from Jammu and Kashmir have already been registered under the Geographical Indication (GI) tag. These crafts are Pashmina, Carpet, Sozni, Walnut Wood Carving, Kashmir Papier Mache, Kani Shawl, Khatamband, Basholi Painting, Basholi Pashmina and Chikri wood. Apart from these 10 crafts, 12 more crafts are in the pipeline for GI tagging, including seven from Kashmir and five from Jammu,” it said—(KNO)


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