BJP General Secretary Ashok Koul Pays Tribute to Shaheed Aijaz Ahmad Sheikh in Heerpora Shopian



SHOPIAN, May 26: Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh General Secretary (Org) Ashok Koul visited the house of Shaheed Aijaz Ahmad Sheikh, who was killed by terrorists last week in Heerpora, Shopian.

Other leaders who accompanied Ashok Koul included BJP J&K Vice President Sofi Yousuf, District President Shopian Mohd Yousuf Bhat, Media Incharge Kashmir Adv Sajid Yousuf Shah, Social Media Incharge Sahil Bashir Bhat, Senior Leader Veer Saraf, Prabhari Shopian Sajad Raina, Senior Leader Javaid Qadari, Qayoom Rahi, Youth Leader Raja Waseem and Protocol Incharge Mohmmad Akeel.

While paying tribute to Aijaz Ahmad Sheikh, BJP General Secretary Ashok Koul expressed his condolences and solidarity with the family members over the brutality of the terrorists. A large number of locals were also present and expressed grief over the brutal incident.

Expressing his condolences and solidarity with the family, Ashok Koul said that Shaheed Aijaz Ahmad Sheikh is a role model for the youth of Shopian, as he followed the path of peace and brotherhood.

However, the enemies of humanity and Kashmiriyat killed this true son of the soil. Koul further stated that the martyrdom of Shaheed Aijaz Ahmad Sheikh will not go in vain.

He assured all sorts of assistance to the family and emphasized that the BJP firmly stands with its members in any kind of situation.


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