Internet suspension leave thousands of e-gadgets non-functional and useless
Srinagar, Sep 26 : Kashmir continues to witness internet gag even after crossing 53 consecutive days, leaving most of the expensive e-gadgets useless.
According to a wire service—the valley based techies are facing difficulties in order to use and update smartphones, smart watches, and smart audio devices which are highly dependent on the internet.
Asif Gulzar, a resident of Habba Kadal, told , “I recently purchased an Artifical Intelligence (AI) command based speakers called ‘Echo’ for my living room but the speakers stopped working on the day internet was cut .”
He said he would now sell the gadgets as they don’t seem to have any use for the people of Kashmir due to frequent internet shutdowns. He added ,” I have five E-Gadgets which are useless nowadays due to lack of internet since August 5.”
Zahid Zubair, another resident of Habba Kadal, told , that Kashmiri’ s buy the most expensive gadgets but those gadgets without the internet, serve no purpose.
“A friend gifted me an expensive smart watch but without internet its features can’t be configured,’’ he said . “This is unfortunate that we Kashmiri’s are barred from making use of the technology at a time when India is promoting ‘Digital India’ campaign.” (KNO)