Jammu 11th Sept :Former minister,Spokesperson and Prabhari BJP Mahila Morcha,J & K Priya Sethi today said that Article 370 is responsible for todays situation in Kashmir valley and the article was anti women,anti development and anti human rights.
Priya Sethi who is the Prabhari of BJP Mahila Morcha added that the article has only worked against democracy and development of women of Jammu And Kashmir and the womenfolk were ill-treated in J&K because of Article 370.
Priya added that after the Narendra Modi government’s decision on Jammu & Kashmir (J&K), women would no longer be deprived of their property rights in J&K if they get married to a non-resident. Article 35A, which emanated from Article 370, prohibited them, till recently, to be property owners if they marry an outsider.
She said that today Women folk from Kashmir,Jammu,Ladakh are thanking Nariender Modi and Amit Shah for the Abrogation of article which will now protect the human rights of the women living in Jammu and Kashmir and help them lead a dignified life as promised by the Indian Constitution.
Priya further said that the article 370 was fully misused by regional politicians of valley and that is the one of the reason that children of valley took stones in hands instead of laptops because they were deliberately disconnected from the country
Former Minister added that article has fuelled terrorism in the Valley and the article was used for beneficial for two families of valley only and not for the common Kashmiris.
She retreated that the people especially the SC, STs,Valmikies,West Pakistan Refugees were without their rights from last 70 years on one or the other way and today they are celebrating the abrogation of Article 370 and are thanking the Govt led by Nariendra Modi who scrapped the article 370 .
Priya said that it was a historic blunder which kept Kashmir bleeding for 70 years and Lakhs of people were deprived of their rights,it was this article which made situation such for Kashmiri Hindus that from last 30 years they are homeless and thousands of our security forces were martyred in valley after 90s..
It is a histrocal correction of histrocal blunder and the correction was done by none other than our PM Modi who believes in doing than saying,She added.
Priya Sethi,former minister said that Article 370 was like a Great wall of China and the benefit of it was taken only by Abdullhas and Muftis families only who in return misled the common people but today Kashmiris are feeling happy after abrogation of the article 370 and proof of that is this today after more than one month has gone when article was abloished,the Naya Kashmir is coming towards normalcy day by day.