The Cyber Cell of Delhi police Wednesday registered an FIR in connection with the alleged harassment of journalist Barkha Dutt on social media. Dutt had alleged that she was receiving threatening phone calls and obscene pictures. No arrests have been made so far in the case.
On February 19, the National Commission for Women (NCW) had asked Delhi Police commissioner Amulya Patnaik to initiate “speedy investigation” into the matter. In the letter to the police chief, NCW said it has come across media reports about Dutt claiming she had received threat calls and had been harassed on social media after she offered to help Kashmiris who were being targeted after the Pulwama terror attack.
The journalist had also tweeted to Delhi Police apprising them of the matter. “I had close to 1000 abusive messages and calls in a Coordinated and violent mob attack. These included a message to shoot me, a nude photo, many sexually abusive messages. I outed the men who did this. Twitter locked me till many of the details were taken down. I wroe this to them,” she had said in a tweet.
“I have continued to get hundreds of abuses, sexually violent messages and threats to my life for a second day running. I urgently ask @DelhiPolice @MPpoliceonline @PoliceRajasthan @PunjabPoliceInd to intervene. FIR with Delhi Police.”
Via The Indian Express