Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday addressed the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly and yet again brought up the Kashmir issue. In an hour-long rant at the UNGA session,and said that Pakistan will continue fight for Kashmir cause .
Speaking of Kashmir issue, Imran Khan alleged that India violated the Constitution when the Indian government scrapped the provisions under Article 370 that granted a special status to Jammu and Kashmir (J&K).
Attacking India on the situation in Kashmir, Imran Khan said that the state has been under lockdown since August 5 and claimed that “more than 7,000 children have been put under detention by the Indian Army”. He also said that “there would be a bloodbath when the curfew in Kashmir is lifted”.
“Has PM Modi thought what would happen when the curfew in Kashmir is lifted? Do you think people in Kashmir would accept that you have withdrawn the special status? Thousands of children in Kashmir have been put under detention. They, too, will come out on the streets after the curfew in the state is lifted. There will be a bloodbath when the curfew is lifted from the state,” Imran Khan said.