Legal Action Initiated Against Apni Party Member For Social Media Misconduct


A legal case has been filed against Mudasir Bashir Bhat, a member of the J&K Apni Party, for allegedly using foul language on social media platforms. Advocate Fayaz Ahmad Lone, hailing from Pampore, lodged the complaint, citing section 294 of the IPC.

According to official sources, the complaint accuses Bhat of uttering obscene words online, causing annoyance to the public. The complainant argued that such behavior falls under the purview of section 294 IPC and requested the court to investigate the matter.

This incident underscores the growing importance of monitoring online conduct and holding individuals accountable for their actions on social media. As digital communication continues to evolve, it becomes crucial to maintain civility and respect in online interactions to foster a healthy online environment. (Agencies)


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