Senior Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) leader Avinash Rai Khanna on Saturday said that there is no reaction or word of sympathy for the Kashmiri politicians seen in Kashmir otherwise people of Kashmir would have hit the streets.
On August 4, a day before GoI abrogated the special status of Jammu and Kashmir several political leaders including National Conference president and Member of Parliament Farooq Abdullah, his son and former chief minister Omar Abdullah, PDP president and former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti remain under detention in Srinagar.
The Centre had also put the restrictions on the movement of people and placed a communication clampdown citing the possibility of violence in the wake of the August 5 decision.
“They looted Kashmir for the past 70 years. Had they been real leaders of Kashmiris, people would have reacted and protested but there was not even a single word of sympathy for them,” Hindustan Times quoted Khanna as saying while responding to queries about plans to release the leaders.
“Only 10 members of a family came out the other day to lodge a protest. People know that these leaders looted Kashmir,” Khanna added.
On October 1, the BJP spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi gave a statement that people of the region were so angry that if restrictions were lifted, they would probably “lynch” these leaders.
“I am sure that the people who are frustrated with the actions of these three families, the political maneuverability and the control they have exercised, if restrictions are removed, they will probably be lynched on the roads, because the kind of wrongs they have committed in the state,” Hindustan Times quoted Lekhi as saying without naming anyone.