The Jammu and Kashmir police on Wednesday announced a cashprize of Rs 30 lakh on any information leading to the capture of three moreHizbul militants, including Mohammad Amin alias “Jehangir Saroori”,believed to be the brain behind the revival of militancy in Chinab valley region and active in Kishtwar district.
A day after the Doda police announced a cash prize of Rs 15 lakh on the capture of two alleged Hizbul militants, the Kishtwar police too came up with the “wanted – dead or alive” posters in the hillydistrict, which has been rocked by a series of terror strikes including the killing of a senior BJP leader and an RSS functionary since November last year.
The reward on Saroori and his two associates — Riyaz Ahmad alias “Hazari” and Mudassir Hussain –came just a day after police in nearby Doda district came out with posters announcing a cash prize on information leading to the capture of two wanted Hizbul militant members — MBA graduate-turned-militant Haroon Abbass Wani of Ghat village and Masood Ahmad of Dessa village.
The posters in Kishtwar, put up at busy market places and carrying the pictures of the three active militants, also assured potential informants of keeping their identity secret.The posters also carried two phone numbers for informants to share the information.
Kishtwar’s Senior Superintendent of Police Harmeet Singh said the three militants are active in the hilly district and the posters with their pictures have been put up to help people identify them.
We hope the people will cooperate and will provide the necessary information leading to their capture or killing,” the officer said.