BJP National Vice-President Avinash Rai Khana on Thursday said that people of Jammu and Kashmir welcomed abrogation of Article 370 wholeheartedly. He said after October, 31, there will be a drastic change in Jammu and Kashmir and added peace and development will be the top most priority of BJP.
BJP leader Avinash Rai Khana said that people of Jammu and Kashmir always stand with peace and it is why they appreciated BJP’s move of abrogating Article 370. “People of Jammu and Kashmir welcomed BJP’s move of abrogation of Article 370 wholeheartedly,” newsagency KNS quoted Khana as having said.
He added, “The people of Jammu and Kashmir have expressed their hope on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. People are sound and mature and know whatever New Delhi will do, it will be in the interest of people of Jammu and Kashmir.”
BJP leader said after October 31st, people will see a drastic change on ground about development and peace. He added peace will be topmost priority of BJP government.
When asked about regional mainstream political party’s boycott of Block Development Council (BDC) elections, Khana said, “Jammu and Kashmir was ruined by National Conference (NC) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP). They took part in Lok Sabha elections but unfortunately decided to stay away from BDC polls, which showed their double standard.”
While lashing out at NC and PDP, Khana added “they are playing dirty politics as they have no pain of people of Jammu and Kashmir.”
When asked about why congress boycotted BDC polls, he said “Congress is well aware of this fact that it has been rejected by people of Jammu and Kashmir and that is why it decided to stay away from BDC elections”, adding that “Congress so far have exploited people of Jammu and Kashmir in one pretext or other.”
About the ongoing situation, BJP leader Avinash Rai Khanna said, the situation in Kashmir is gradually limping back to normalcy and people are stepping out to restart their normal work. (KNS)