Daughter of the former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Iltijia Mufti in an interview with an International news firm affirmed the positive impact the Prime Minister of Pakistan’s UNGA speech had on the besieged Kashmiri’s of India, International media reported on Thursday.
Iltijia Mufti, in her interview, said that the Pakistani Prime Minister’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly made the Kashmiri’s come out on the streets in the curfew ridden Kashmir, they chanted and sloganeered against the Bjp-led Government. She stated: “Kashmiri’s felt moved and found the speech very positive for the relief of suffered valley said Iltija.
Meanwhile normal life has come to a grinding halt across Kashmir for the 60th consecutive day with all business establishments, schools closed while as the public transport continues to remain off the roads. The cellular and internet gag also continues to be in suspension mode since past seven weeks.