Dr Syed Naseem Geelani, son of Hurriyat Conference (G) Chairman, Syed Ali Geelani Wednesday said he has asked National Investigation Agency (NIA) to return the gadgets including Laptop, hard drives, open drives and others that were seized by them during recent raid.
“NIA raided my residence on 26th February 2019, from 10 am to 3.45 PM and took away my all electronic gadgets including my laptop, my mobile phones along with Sim Cards, hard drives, pen drives and memory cards on which I have stored all my files related to my research, teaching, extension and students welfare activities,” Naseem Geelani said in a statement issued.
He said this work done is needed for my APR (Annual Progress Report) and API (Academic Performance Indicators) and needs to be updated on daily basis and has to be produced when applying for other positions and for monthly progress reports.
“We have to submit our reports to the other centers outside state also regarding our research progress in our projects,” he said, adding that “I was logged in at that time of seizure for all my applications , including bank, social media, mails etc and my laptop was also open. They have taken all my pass codes for these gadgets.”
“I need my gadgets for my daily updates for my job relating tasks for which I am being paid. I have applied for the same to National Investigation Agency (NIA) and also informed my university authorities regarding the matter,” he added. (KNS)