Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that the time has changed and the policies on Kashmir will now be made solely by the people of India and Kashmir without the interference of Pakistan.
“The calendars will not be decided by them anymore. Our enemy nation (Pakistan) cannot decide the dates for discussions on Kashmir. Only India will decide that. The people of Kashmir and India will formulate policies for the region. The ones sitting in enemy countries cannot decide the fate of India anymore,” ANI quoted PM Modi as having said.
The Prime Minister also blamed the Congress party for worsening the Kashmir issue all throughout its rule at the Centre.
“First the sleeping Congress government went on worsening the situation in Kashmir. In the initial days, some of our portions were snatched with Pakistan’s help. After that in a planned manner, Sufism, the tradition which Kashmir is known for, was slowly buried,” he said according to ANI.
Blaming Pakistan for spreading separatism in Jammu and Kashmir, Prime Minister Modi said that there was a time when terrorists used to decide what would happen on any given day.
There was continuous injustice with Jammu, Ladakh, Kargil – lines of discrimination were drawn.
“The wrong policies of the Congress destroyed the country. The provision, which was temporary in the Constitution made by Dr BR Ambedkar, remained in force for 70 years.” (ANI)
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