
Altaf Bukhari condemns militant attack in Sunjwan

JAMMU, APRIL 22 : Apni Party President Syed Mohammed Altaf Bukhari has strongly condemned the militant attack in Sunjwan and termed it as an...

Anti-Pak protests post ‘fidayeen’ attack rock Jammu

Jammu, April 22 (PTI) Protests rocked several areas of Jammu city on Friday to protest the pre-dawn 'fidayeen' (suicide) attack on security forces here in...

CS e-inaugurates 77 sports projects, dedicates them to youth

JAMMU, APRIL 22: The Chief Secretary, Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta today e-inaugurated 77 projects completed under the Capex budget by the Youth Services and...

Jammu encounter: Both Militants Killed, Says DGP

It Seems Like They Were 'Fidayeen' Attackers: ADGP Nadeem Nadu/M S Nazki Jammu, April 22 : Two militants who were holed up in Jalalabad area of...

One forces’ personnel killed, 4 injured in Jammu encounter

Yogesh Sagotra Jammu, Apr 22 : One security forces personnel has been killed while four others wounded in an ongoing encounter at Sunjwan area of...


